The board’s responsibilities include long-range academic planning, the curriculum, the definition of academic integrity, academic advising, registration, academic calendars, graduation requirements, the granting of credits, and other matters directly related to the academic functions of the university. Policies regarding academic integrity are the joint responsibility of the Academic Affairs Board and the Student Affairs Board.
The membership of the Academic Affairs Board is as follows:
- Dean of the Faculty (chair)
- 5 Faculty (one each from the Divisions of Arts and Humanities, Natural Science and Mathematics, Social Sciences, Physical Education, Recreation and ÌÇÐÄvlog¹ÙÍø, and University Studies; elected by the faculty for three-year terms, which are renewable once)
- 3 Faculty (elected at-large by the faculty for three-year terms, renewable once)
- 5 Division Directors (1/2 vote each)
- 4 students
- University Librarian (1/2 vote)
- President of the Student Association (1/2 vote)
- 1 Associate Dean of the Faculty (ex officio, nonvoting)
- Dean of the College (ex officio, nonvoting)
- Registrar (ex efficio, nonvoting)
Meeting Times
Every other Wednesday during the semesters, 4:15–5:30 p.m.
- (password protected)
Members 2024-2025
Lesleigh Cushing, Provost & Dean of the Faculty | (Chair) | Yukari Hirata | (H) |
Jason Meyers | 2025 (NS) | Yariv Amir | (PE) |
Ana Jimenez | 2027 (AL) | Robert Nemes | (SS) |
Jennifer Brice | 2027 (H) | Rick Geier | (NS) |
Daniel Tober | 2026 (AL) | Chris Henke | (US) |
*Robert Nemes | 2025 (SS) | Courtney Young | (L) |
*Laura Sgrecci | 2025 (PE) | Elsa O'Brien | (SGA P) |
*Silvia Jiménez Bolaños | 2026 (AL) | Harshitha Talasila | (SGA VP) |
Helene Julien | 2025 (AL) | ||
John Crespi | 2027 (US) | Ex Officio, Non-voting | |
Nikhil Bahal | (S) | Paul Mcloughlin, VP and Dean of the College | |
Jack Hyams | (S) | Doug Johnson, Dean of Academic and Curricular Affairs | |
*Oscar Brown | (S) | Neil Albert, Associate Provost for Institutional Analysis; University Registrar | |
Sophie Ventura | (S) |
*S. Jiménez Bolaños – replaced by William Peck (spring)
*R. Nemes – replaced by William Meyer (year)
*L. Sgrecci – replaced by Meghan Kovac (year)
*O. Brown - replaced by Harshitha Talasila (spring)
The board proposes legislation to the faculty, which has the power to approve, reject, or amend such proposals. Amendments by the faculty deemed substantive by the chair are referred back to the Academic Affairs Board. The board may accept the faculty amendment(s) to the original legislation. The legislation becomes policy upon majority approval by the faculty. Alternatively, the board may ask the faculty to reconsider, suggesting any revisions the board wishes, which would require another majority faculty vote on the amendment(s) and main motion before the legislation became policy. All legislative action taken by the board is reported to the faculty for action at its next regularly scheduled meeting.
The board also acts in an advisory capacity to the Provost and Dean of the Faculty on academic matters.
A faculty member, chosen by the elected faculty members of the board, reports to the faculty on a regular basis and conveys sense-of-the-faculty resolutions and agenda items to the Academic Affairs Board. A student, chosen by the student members of the Board, reports to the student senate on a regular basis and conveys sense-of-the-senate resolutions and suggested agenda items to the board.