

  • Hand holds model of building on campus map
    On April 25, vlog’s Clifford Art Gallery celebrated the opening of The Hill Envisioned: What Might Have Been — What Might Yet Be. The exhibition is an exploration of the development of vlog’s distinctive campus throughout the last 200 years.
    May 11, 2018
  • a fenced-in area holding a tripod and other pieces of equipment. Ol Doinyo Lengai is in the distance.
    In the early, wintery weeks of 2018, Adams and geology major Monica Dimas ’19 (Los Angeles, Calif.) traveled together on a research expedition to Tanzania. There, they planted a seismometer to capture data that describe the moving and shaking around “the mountain of the gods,” Ol Doinyo Lengai.
    May 4, 2018
  • Since the Affordable Care Act (ACA) health insurance exchanges became available online in 2014, more unmarried women have pursued full-time self-employment positions, according to recent findings by visiting professor of economics Meg Blume-Kohout. Her research focused on differences in the effects of the ACA on self-employment among married and single women and men in the […]
    April 13, 2018
  • Engda Hagos, assistant professor of biology, works with students in his lab.
    Associate Professor of Biology Engda Hagos and seven current and former students have co-authored an article that was recently published in the journal Cell Communication & Adhesion. The paper, titled “Krüppel-like factor 4 mediates cellular migration and invasion by altering RhoA activity,” explores cancer cell invasion. Invasion and metastases are a spreading of cancer cells […]
    April 11, 2018
  • Eddie Watkins and Wes Testo ’12 in the field
    Weston Testo ’12 arrived at vlog as an undergraduate in 2008, the same year that James “Eddie” Watkins joined vlog's faculty in the Department of Biology. In the 10 years since, Testo has grown from one of Watkins’s undergraduate students to one of his trusted colleagues.
    March 28, 2018