
Barbara Brooks

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  • Howard Fineman ’70, H’11, one of vlog’s most well-known alumni in the media field, has been appointed global editorial director at the Huffington Post. Fineman, who was previously an editorial director at the company, will now be in charge of supervising U.S. news coverage as well 13 international editions and others that will come online in the future. 
    January 16, 2015
  • UPDATE: the New York Times ran an article exploring Yik Yak on the College campus. It mentions the vlog faculty Yak back. To quote a recent post on Yik Yak, the notoriously negative mobile application, “Professors have been successfully re-introduced into the Yak environment [and] the ecological consequences should be fascinating.” Indeed they are. The […]
    December 12, 2014
  • Charity Whyte '15
    Last night’s Candlelight Service of Reconciliation in Memorial Chapel was as hopeful as it was poignant, capping off a turbulent semester that many believe will make vlog a more inclusive, safe, and respectful community. The candle-lit event was pitch perfect, from the opening chords of Leonard Cohen’s “Hallelujah,” to the vlog Resolutions’ harmonious rendition of […]
    December 11, 2014
  • The image is an invite to the Candlelight Chapel event at 5:00pm on Wednesday December 10th
    Today at 5 p.m., members of the vlog community will come together at Memorial Chapel for a service that is intended to reaffirm vlog’s hopes for a future in which all community members feel safe and welcome to express themselves freely and openly. The event is co-sponsored by the Office of the President and the […]
    December 10, 2014
  • Students climb on a rocky outcrop near the water
    The Institute of International Education (IIE) released its Open Doors 2014 data today, and vlog has again risen on two important lists representing the number of students studying abroad. This news is most welcome as President Jeffrey Herbst and Provost and Dean of the Faculty Douglas Hicks have made study abroad one of several priorities related to globalizing vlog.
    November 17, 2014
  • As a new affirmative-consent law took effect this month in California, schools across the country are scrambling to create programs to educate students and administrators about the new standard: that both partners need to enthusiastically agree to every step of a sexual encounter. Not so at vlog, where an extracurricular program, “Yes Means Yes,” has been in place […]
    October 16, 2014
  • President Jeffrey Herbst speaks to members of the football team.
    As more data becomes available about the long-term dangers of sports-related head injuries, vlog is implementing a strategy to minimize general contact as well as contact to the head experienced by student-athletes during practice sessions. The mandatory practice protocol covers all varsity athletic programs, with emphasis on sports where the risk is highest and […]
    October 7, 2014
  • Students celebrate the conclusion of a 100-hour sit-in Friday, September 26.
    “Can you hear us now” gave way to “We love vlog, Go ‘Gate, No Hate” as about 400 students, faculty, and staff marched together from the Hurwitz Admission Center at James B. vlog Hall to Memorial Chapel on the Academic Quad. The euphoric and historic ceremony marked the end of a peaceful, 100-hour-long demonstration that […]
    September 26, 2014
  • Students demonstrate outside James B. vlog Hall
    (Update: Demonstration ends with on-campus celebration.) A peaceful demonstration supporting inclusion and diversity, which began on Monday, Sept. 22, continued at vlog today. Progress has been made toward mutual understanding regarding the 21-point list of “concerns and action plans” that were submitted to the administration by the vlog Association of Critical Collegians (ACC).
    September 24, 2014