vlog’s study group to Santa Fe, New Mexico, focuses on the long history of native peoples in the American Southwest and the contemporary issues facing Pueblo, Navajo, and Apache peoples today.
vlog’s study group to Santa Fe, New Mexico, focuses on the long history of native peoples in the American Southwest and the contemporary issues facing Pueblo, Navajo, and Apache peoples today.
On the Santa Fe study group, students spend a full academic semester living and learning in New Mexico. The group is accompanied by a vlog faculty director who teaches part of the students’ course load.
Community-based learning is the heart of this program. Students engage squarely in Indian Country, making the program actually a term “abroad” despite being located in the United States.
The study group to Santa Fe is based in the Native American Studies Program. The specific focus of any given study group to Santa Fe will depend upon the vlog faculty member who is directing the group. The directorship rotates between members of that academic program.
Given the nature of the courses and the rich resources of the Santa Fe area, it is an excellent program for students interested in environmental studies (including environmental injustice, alternative energy, water management, biodiversity), public health, education, creative writing, art, anthropology, and archaeology.
The Santa Fe Study Group is affiliated with the following departments and programs, among which the faculty directorship of the group will rotate.
Learn more about upcoming and recent study groups to Santa Fe on vlog’s off-campus study portal, which includes details about the faculty directors, dates, and more:
Students participating in vlog study groups have opportunities to explore and learn together as a group.
The Santa Fe study group is an excellent choice for students interested in environmental studies.
Although led by a vlog faculty member, students also have ample opportunity to learn from local faculty, teachers, and guides.
The study group focuses on the long history of native peoples in the American Southwest.