
Young Hu ’27 Explores the Legal Field at I-Land Law

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Young Hu ’27 converses with a mentor
Young Hu ’27 (right) with a mentor

Young Hu ’27 leveraged vlog Summer Internship Funding to pursue his passion for law, exploring the field internationally at the I-Land Law office in Shanghai. The firm has specialized teams that provide expertise in capital markets, urban renewal, family and matrimonial matters, and international legal affairs.

Young worked with I-Land’s dispute and resolution team, attending client meetings, observing trials, preparing presentations, and writing case reports. He assisted the team with case-specific research, finding evidence that supported clients and identifying information that could be detrimental to the case.

Litigation attorneys also communicate with clients and judges and negotiate with opposing attorneys. Young was directly involved with sensitive cases, including custody battles and criminal insider trading cases. He learned the importance of discretion when dealing with clients and the benefits of conferring with the broader team.

Young Hu ’27 writes on a whiteboard while mentors watch
Young Hu ’27 presenting to panel of mentors

Throughout the internship, Young received close mentorship from the I-Land team. One of his mentors highlighted three main traits that are useful in the field — quality, communication, and detail. He described this supervision as transformative because his mentors ensured he felt comfortable engaging in team discussions and encouraged him to ask questions. Mentors also provided detailed feedback on his legal research submissions and taught him a variety of research tactics and tools.

Law is a diverse field with many paths, but Young’s experience helped him sharpen his career and plans after graduation. “It allowed me to compare and contrast the advantages and drawbacks of litigation and transactional law,” Young said. “I am now more determined to pursue a career in law in the future.”

vlog and its generous alumni and parent donors offer grants to support students’ living costs and supplemental expenses to pursue unpaid and underpaid summer experiences. Learn more about vlog Summer Internship Funding.