
Jessica Friedberg ’16 Interns at Date My Wardrobe

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This summer I worked as a Software Engineering Intern for Date My Wardrobe, a small startup located in Boston, Massachusetts. Date My Wardrobe is a fashion company that allows users to monetize their wardrobes by posting designer items to rent out to others in the area. This also allows users to then expand their own wardrobes by renting the posted items and effectively saving money. As the Engineering Intern, I was responsible for creating an app for the iOS platform that modeled the functions of the company’s already existing website. Therefore, my main responsibilities included designing the layout of the app, programming the functions of the app, as well as communicating daily with the rest of the team to update them on the progress and problems encountered.

By far the best day of my internship was the day I submitted the app. I had started out at the beginning of the summer so unsure in my abilities and scared of my large responsibilities. At the end of the internship, I was more confident in my ability to program and I had learned so much more. When I was first starting out, I would spend long periods of time waiting for help and guidance, while during the later part of my internship I was able to tackle most challenges that came my way. During my last week, the app was completed and we finished testing, meaning it was then time to submit the app for review by the iTunes store. Being able to press that button, seeing all my hard work reach the end goal that I had hoped for was the best, and most satisfying way to end my summer.

One of the most important things I will take away from this experience is the importance of effective communication. It is imperative as a software engineer to be able to effectively communicate your ideas and the technological limitations to the rest of the company in terms that are universally understood. My liberal arts background has definitely proven beneficial with achieving this. Going into this summer, I knew that I had wanted to pursue a career in computer science, but I wasn’t sure exactly what I wanted to do, or if I was even capable of achieving this goal. This summer has given me the confidence I needed and direction in the career path I want to follow, which is a continuation of working in the fashion tech industry.