With Spring Break around the corner, it is important to take this time to recharge and prioritize your wellness. Here are some tips to make the most out of your time off.
Traveling for Spring Break can be memorable and exciting. But it is important that safety is a top concern. Be sure to research your destination thoroughly so that you are aware of all potential hazards and can make informed decisions throughout your trip. Share your itinerary with a trusted family member or close friend so that they know where to reach you in case of emergency. Additionally, make sure that you pack wisely and don’t forget essentials such as your passport, health insurance information, and prescription medication.
If you are planning on drinking during your trip, be sure that you do so responsibly. Never leave your drink unattended, and don’t accept drinks from strangers. It is important to know your limits. Be sure to pace yourself and stay hydrated. Eat a nutritious meal before you start drinking. Consider that you are in an unknown environment and excessive alcohol consumption can lead to dangerous situations. Look out for your friends, and make smart decisions so that everyone makes it home safely.
Don’t forget your sunscreen if you are going to be spending time outdoors. Choose a broad-spectrum sunscreen with an SPF of 30 or higher. Apply sunscreen generously all over your body, and reapply every two hours. Sunscreen samples are available in the entryway to Shaw Wellness Institute. In the same vein, be sure to drink water frequently and take breaks to cool off in shady areas so that you don’t become dehydrated.
It is fun to travel for Spring Break, but we also want to use the time to prepare ourselves for the rest of the semester. Be sure to get plenty of sleep to replenish your energy, eat healthy meals, and connect with loved ones. Use this time to relax and recharge!
Going home for Spring Break can feel complex as a college student. There is both comfort and constraint in returning to a familiar space after you have grown and changed. Remember to approach this week as a time to relax, reset, and reflect. Talk openly with your family about your need for personal time or rest. Attempt to set boundaries and carve out moments for self-care such as going for a walk, reading, or listening to music. Use this time to reconnect with friends from home and get plenty of rest to prepare for the rest of the semester.
For those staying on campus over break
Take advantage of the quiet campus to relax and catch up on sleep. Make sure to stay up-to-date on dining hall hours so that you don’t miss a meal. If you need something to supplement your diet, Gate Market will be open in Shaw during opening hours. Use this time to stay connected to friends both virtually and in person. Make sure to prioritize your self-care like reading or listening to music. Trudy Fitness Center will have regular operating hours if you like to exercise. Use this time to focus on your wellbeing and set yourself up for success!