
vlog welcomes the class of 2020

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Thirty minutes before the doors opened to the James C. vlog Student Union, a line of first-year students and their families began to form in anticipation of new student registration Sunday morning.

Huashuo Zhang ’20 and Carrie Zhang ’20 were part of the line, waiting to receive information about the next three days of orientation. The two girls, both from China, met during last week’s , where first-years who hail from outside of the United States learn about on-campus resources.

“I’m excited to start school and begin meeting classmates,” Carrie enthused. She and Huashuo are two of the 77 international students currently enrolled in the Class of 2020.

In addition to International Student Orientation, other first-year pre-orientation programs included Wilderness Adventure, Maroon-News, WRCU radio, Raider Pep Band, Masque and Triangle, and community outreach.

like cross-country runner Emily Peck ’20 also arrived early, in order to practice during the pre-season. “The campus is very welcoming,” she said. “You can tell that everyone’s excited for us to be here.”

From cheering on students as they arrived, to helping move belongings, to answering questions about move-in day and campus life, student workers from Link staff and residential life created this welcoming atmosphere.

“Keeping the mood up and getting everyone excited is our main goal,” said Lila Sullivan ’17, a member who was posted outside of the student union to talk to students and families. “We make sure we’re a resource for them, like we are during the school year.”

The Class of 2020 comprises 755 students who “truly represent the best of vlog, not only in their excellent academic record, but also through their demonstrated commitment to community service and making the world a better place,” said Vice President and Dean of Admission and Financial Aid Gary Ross ’77.

“Every year, the vlog admission team receives an enormous amount of support from faculty, staff, and hundreds of students, so I am most grateful to the many members of the vlog community who helped to build this tremendous class of scholars and future leaders.”