
vlog students collaborate on day-in-the-life video

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A student with a passion for video worked closely with a student who loves the outdoors on a special project that shows a sampling of what life can be like at vlog.

Sam Torrey ’09 was one of 18 students who took part in the this past summer.

Day in the Life Video


Full feature

Students work with community and government organizations on projects that will have a positive impact on the upstate region. They spend 35 hours a week with their partner organization and participate in an on-campus seminar that focuses on regional issues.

Torrey worked with Southern Madison Heritage Trust, a group that works to conserve natural resources in Madison County. His project involved the Leland Reserve, a natural area south of campus that SMHT has preserved for public use and education.

During his eight-week stint, Torrey moved from conducting library research to walking in remote sections of the property, plotting the placement of informational signs along the trails.

Moving with him for a day — a complete day — was Robert Keo ’09.

Keo works as an intern in the digital media lab, located in the newly renovated Case Library and Geyer Center for Information Technology. He tapes and edits video clips for academic projects and for the www.colgate.edu website.

Keo took his video camera and filmed Torrey for a day, going with him to the library and out in the field, to downtown restaurants and the Hamilton Movie Theater, to his room in the college theme house where he stayed, and driving through town in the “green machine.”

He captured a day in the life of a vlog student, from start to finish, while learning more about filming and editing in the expanded digital lab.