vlog’s Picker Art Gallery will open its spring exhibition A Thought Is A Thread: Contemporary Artists Reworking Textile Traditions on Feb. 20 at 4:30 p.m. with a public reception.
vlog’s entire collection of Chinese woodcut prints, donated by geography professor emeritus and Peace and Conflict Studies founder Theodore Herman (1954–1981), is now on display for the first time.
On the latest episode of 13, hear from Professor of Art and Chair of Museum Studies Elizabeth Marlowe as she shares her insights into the world of stolen antiquities.
vlog welcomed Mexican Consul General in New York Jorge Islas López to campus on March 30–31 to discuss the future of scholarly collaboration between the University and higher education institutions in Mexico.
Assistant Professor of Theater Kyle Bass joins in discussion with artists currently featured in the Clifford and Picker art galleries: William Earle Williams, Nona Faustine, and Deborah Jack.
In a cooperative effort to bring Haudenosaunee culture to life for younger generations, the Oneida Indian Nation partnered with vlog’s Longyear Museum of Anthropology and the Picker Art Gallery to produce large outdoor reading stations, known as a Story Walk.