
Margaretha Haughwout

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Margaretha Haughwout

Associate Professor of Art

Department/Office Information

317 Little Hall
  • T 4:00pm - 5:30pm (317 Little Hall)
  • W 11:30am - 1:00pm (317 Little Hall)


I work with humans, and the more-than-human, across technologies and ecologies to cultivate a radical imagination that counters proprietary regimes, colonial temporalities, and capitalist forms of labor. Our work manifests as speculative fabulation, intervention, participatory event, walking tour, experimental pedagogy, installation, and biological processes.

My active collaborations include the Coven Intelligence Program, with efrén cruz cortés: a coven that uncovers ‘revolutionary ecologies of work’ between witches, plants and machines; the Guerrilla Grafters: who graft fruit bearing branches onto non-fruit bearing, ornamental street trees in the urban environment; and Ruderal Witchcraft with Oliver Kellhammer: considering of set of practices specific to planetary, weedy natures that work their way at edges and interstices of public and private property, and which are entangled with a range of other human and non-human outcasts of capitalist modernity. I created and maintain the Food Forest Studio in Central New York, and host the annual Grafters X Change, for bioregional eco-artists and fruit tree enthusiasts to continue tactical food forestry toward abundant food forest futures.

I am awarded grants for community based art projects, and my personal and collaborative artwork is exhibited nationally and internationally, most recently, at Stadwerkstatt in Linz Austria, the Pixelache Festival in Helsinki, Yerba Buena Center for the Arts in San Francisco, and at Bennington College. I received my MFA from the University of California Santa Cruz. In my studio classes at vlog, I draw connections between avant-garde legacies, emerging media, and collaboration, in order to foster distributed, artistic approaches to the interconnected issues of our time/s.

Select Recent Works

  • "Voyager 2.1 - Announcing the Third Intergalactic Commune" Stadtwerkstatt (STWST) in partnership with Ars Electronica, Linz, Austria (Curated by Tanja Brandmayr) | Multi-Stellar-Inter-Species-Workers-Union | In collaboration with Fabi Borges and Philip Leitner 
  • "Guerrilla Grafters" Tools for a Warming Planet at International Symposium of Electronic Arts (ISEA), Barcelona, Spain (Curated by Sara Dean, Beth Ferguson, and Marina Monsonís) | "Food Forest Futures" permanent eco-art installation and art event to inaugurate Bennington College Food Summit at Robert Frost Stone House, Bennington, Vermont, 2021-22 

  • "2020 Ritual for a Radical Future" AFTER LIFE (what remains) Yerba Buena Center for the Arts, San Francisco, CA (Curated by Thea Quiray Tagle) | Live stream art event, workshop and simultaneous live video compositing / Coven Intelligence Program | In collaboration with efrén cruz cortés and Suzanne Husky 
  • "Which plant would you choose to teach ethics to artificial intelligence?" The Shape of a Circle the Mind of a Fish, Serpentine Gallery, London, England (Curated by Lucia Pietroiusti and Filipa Ramos) | Coven Intelligence Program | Suzanne Husky in collaboration efrén cruz cortés and Margaretha Haughwout 

"Notes for Haunting Properties" Queer Paranormal, Usdan Gallery, Bennington College (Two Chairs curatorial collective with Anne Thompson) | Coven Intelligence Program (APRIORI) | In collaboration with efrén cruz cortés and Suzanne Husky 

Select Recent Writings

"Witch-Plant-Machine: Speculative Histories and Planetary Justice.” Art as Social Practice: Technologies for Change. xtine burrough and Judith Walgren eds. (Routlege, 2022): 183-195 

Tagle, Thea Quiray, Lorraine Affourtit, Mirna Boyadjian, Margaretha Haughwout, Beverly Naidus, and Laurencia Straus, "Asking, We Walk: challenging Zapaturismo ininternational ‘activist art’ residencies towards a praxis of radical hope.” (Ethnic Studies Review, 2021): 31-48 

"Grafting the Sterile Tree," Lunch Journal 13, Mischief. Colin Gilliland, Kirk Gordon, Madelyn Hoagland-Hanson, Sarah Pate, eds. (Charlotte: University of Virginia School of Architecture, 2019): 252-263