
Monica Facchini

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Monica Facchini

Associate Professor of Italian and Film and Media Studies; Director, Film and Media Studies Program

Department/Office Information

Romance Languages, Film and Media Studies
312 Bernstein Hall
  • M 2:45pm - 4:45pm (312 Bernstein Hall)
  • T 4:00pm - 5:00pm (208 Lawrence Hall)

Monica Facchini received her PhD in Italian Studies from Brown University in 2012.

Her main research field is Italian cinema and her approach is interdisciplinary, engaging with films, literature, cultural anthropology, and subaltern studies.

Her teaching interests are diverse and include Italian language, literature and culture, and film and media studies. Her teaching approach is communicative and interdisciplinary, and she values the employment of technology in the classroom to contribute a multidimensional way to the teaching and learning process.

  • M.A., PhD, Brown University
  • Laurea (summa cum laude), Università degli Studi di Lecce, Italy

Italian Language, Cinema, and Literature; Film Studies; Visual Studies; Cultural Anthropology; Gender Studies; Postcolonial and Subaltern Studies.


Book. Rome: Bulzoni, 2017.

Book Chapters

(Reprint) In Annachiara Mariani (ed.), Paolo Sorrentino’s Transnational Cinema and Television: An Eclectic Harmony, Bristol (UK): Intellect, expected 2020.

Book Chapter. Joseph Luzzi (ed.), Italian Cinema from Silent Screen to Digital Image. New York: Bloomsbury Academic, February 2020.

Fulvio Orsitto, Ugo Perolino (eds). Boom e dintorni. Le rappresentazioni del miracolo economico nella cultura italiana degli anni Cinquanta e Sessanta. Brussels: Peter Lang, 2019.

 Loredana Di Martino, Pasquale Verdicchio (eds). From Neorealismo to Nuovo realismo: Encounters with the Real in Contemporary Italian Literature and Cinema.  Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2017, pp. 181-204.

“Dalla Sacralità Tecnica al Magma Stilistico: Il Cristo Contraddittorio de Il Vangelo Secondo Matteo.” Fulvio Orsitto, Federico Pacchioni (eds), Pier Paolo Pasolini: Prospettive Americane. Pesaro: Metauro, 2015,  pp. 49-71.

“Iconografia Cristiana e Cinema Politico degli Anni Sessanta. Il Caso Mantegna da Francesco Rosi a Pier Paolo Pasolini.” Fulvio Orsitto, Simona Wright (eds), Contaminazioni culturali: musica, teatro, cinema e letteratura nell'Italia contemporanea. Manziana (Roma): Vecchiarelli, 2014, pp. 213-232.

Academic Articles

“Lamento, ordine e subalternità in Salvatore Giuliano.California Italian Studies Journal, 1:1, 2010. 

Book Reviews

“Il cinema contro forme monumentali della storia. Cinema & Counter-History di Marcia Landy”. Cinema e storia, Soveria Mannelli (ITALY): Rubbettino, 2017, pp. 206-209.

Conference Proceedings

“Life Is… Comic! Creative Writing, Oral Presentation and Technology in Second Language Acquisition.” 6th International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation 2013, November 2013.

“What’s in a Tear? From Dante’s Purgatorio to Pasolini’s Accattone,” presentation at the Annual Dante's Convention, «L’ombra sua torna» 2020: Dante, the Twentieth Century and Beyond, Madrid, April 19-21, 2021.

“The Voice and the Wound in Italian Holocaust Films,” NeMLA convention, March 10-14, 2021.

“What are these films about? Transgenerational Trauma, Emphatic Unsettlement, and the Holocaust in Contemporary Italian Cinema,” abstract accepted for the NeMLA convention, Boston, March 4-8, 2020.

"Space of Confinement in Paolo Sorrentino’s Cinema." NeMLA Conference, Washington DC, March 23, 2019.

"Il mare nel cinema di Paolo Sorrentino." AATI Conference, Cagliari (Italy), June 21, 2018.

“A Life Journey in Paolo Sorrentino’s The Great Beauty." Pacific Ancient and Modern Language Association Annual Conference (PAMLA), Portland, OR, November 8, 2015.

“Lo Spettacolo della Morte ne La Grande Bellezza di Paolo Sorrentino.” Sixth Annual Film Symposium on New Trends in Modern and Contemporary Italian Cinema, Indiana University, Bloomington, IN, April 24, 2015.

“A New “Laura” From the South. Isabella Morra and the Petrarchan Literary Canon.” I Congresso su Studi di Genere/ La Donna e la Scrittura in Ambito Lusofono e Italiano, University of Lisbon (Portugal), Novembre 18, 2014.

 “The Revolutionary Failure of Pasolini's La ricotta." Pier Paolo Pasolini between Regression and Failure Conference, University of Paris-Sorbonne (France), May 10, 2014.

"Mourning Accattone. Redemption and Technical Sacredness in Pasolini’s First Film." Invited Lecture at Syracuse University, March 26, 2014.

“Life Is… Comic! Creative Writing, Oral Presentation and Technology in Second Language Acquisition.” 6th International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation (ICERI), Seville (Spain), November 19, 2013.

“Tanatopolitica, Arti Visive e Marxismo nel Cinema Italiano degli Anni ’60,” Intersections Conference, Turin (Italy), June 8, 2013.

“Camera-Brush and Literary Soundtrack in Pasolini’s Mamma Roma,” American Association of Italian Studies (AAIS) Conference, Eugene, April12, 2013.

“Channeling Emotions in Pontecorvo’s The Battle of Algiers,” American Association of Italian Studies (AAIS) Conference, Pittsburgh, April 9, 2011.

“Sacredness and Desecration in Pasolini’s La Ricotta,” American Association of Italian Studies (AAIS) Conference, New York, March 7, 2009.

“Voices from the Border. The Role of Rituals in Italian Political Films of the 60s,” Northeast Modern Language Association (NeMLA) Convention, Boston, February 26, 2009.

  • Representations of the Holocaust in Film, vlog
  • Political Film, Senior Seminar in FMST, vlog
  • Intro to Modern and Contemporary Italian Literature, vlog
  • Challenges of Modernity, vlog
  • Italian Modern Culture, vlog
  • Introduction to Film and Media Studies, vlog
  • Introduction to Italian Cinema, vlog
  • Advanced (Italian) Grammar and Composition, vlog
  • Intermediate Italian, Brown University; vlog
  • Elementary Italian, Brown University; vlog 
  • Modernity: Italian Style, (TA) Brown University