
Jonathan Hyslop

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Jonathan Hyslop

Professor of Sociology and Africana & Latin American Studies, Emeritus
  • University of Witwatersrand, Johannesburg 1985-2010
  • University of Pretoria, 2010-2012
  • BA (Hons) Oxford University 1976
  • MA Birmingham 1980
  • PhD University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg 1991
  • Modern Southern Africa 
  • Labor History 
  • The British Empire
  • Maritime History and Sociology
  • The History and Sociology of  War
  • World War I and World War II
  • Teaching Social Theory

2018 Travel Talent Award, Humboldt University, Berlin.

2016-2017 Fellow, Re:work, Humboldt University, Berlin.

2007-08 Member, Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton.

J. Hyslop,  “The Politics of Disembarkation: Empire, Shipping and Labor in the Port of Durban 1897-1947”, International Labor and Working Class History, 93, 2018, 176-200.

J. Hyslop, “Johannesburg’s Green Flag: The Contemporaneity of the Easter Rising and the 1922 Rand Rebellion”, in E. Dal Largo, R. Healey and G. Barry eds., 1916 in Global Context: An Anti-Imperial Moment, London, Routledge, 2018), 76-90.

J. Hyslop, “German Seafarers, Anti-Fascism and the Anti-Stalinist Left: the 'Antwerp Group’ and Edo Fimmen’s International Transport Workers Federation, 1933-1940”, Global Networks 

J. Hyslop, “The Lady in White: British Imperial Loyalism and Women’s Volunteerism in Second World War Durban”, Journal of Natal and Zulu History, 32:1, 2018, 38-54 

J. Hyslop, “Southampton to Durban on the Union Castle Line: An Imperial Shipping Company and the limits of globality c. 1900-1939”,  Journal of Transport History, published online, 2017.  http://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1177/0022526617698151

J. Hyslop, “The War on War League: A South African Pacifist Movement, 1914-1915”,   Scientia Militaria: South African Journal of Military Studies, 44:1, 2016, 22-34.

J. Hyslop, “ The Experience of War and the Making of a Historian: E.P. Thompson on Military Power, the Colonial Revolution and Nuclear Weapons”, South African Historical Journal, 68:3, 2016, 267-285.


J. Hyslop, “E.P. Thompson in South Africa: The Practice and Politics of Social History in an Era of Revolt and Transition, 1976-2012”, International Review of Social History, 61:1, 2016, 95-116.

J. Hyslop, “South Africa and Scotland in the First World War”, in David Forsyth and Wendy Ugolini eds., A Global Force: War, Identities and Scotland’s Diaspora (Edinburgh, Edinburgh University Press, 2016), 151-167.

J. Hyslop, “Durban as a Portal of Globalization: Mines, Railways, Docks and Steamships in the Empire of Otto Siedle’s Natal Direct Line, 1879-1929”, Comparativ: Zeitschrift für Globalgeschichte und vergleichende Gesellschaftsforschung, 26:1, 2015, 35-50.

J. Hyslop, “Oceanic Mobility and Settler-Colonial Power: Policing the Global Maritime Labour Force in Durban Harbour c. 1890-1910”, Journal of Transport History, 36:2, 2015, 248-267.

J. Hyslop, “A British Strike in an African Port: The Mercantile Marine and Dominion Politics in Durban, 1925”, Journal of Imperial and Commonwealth History, 43:5, 2015, 882-902.

J. Hyslop, "The Strange Death of Liberal England and the Strange Birth of Illiberal South Africa: British Trade Unionists, Indian Labourers and Afrikaner Rebels, 1910-1914, Labour History Review, 79:1, 2014, 97-120.
J. Hyslop, "Mandela on War", in R. Barnard (ed.), The Cambridge Companion to Nelson Mandela (Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2014), 162-181.

J. Hyslop, “Zulu Sailors in the Steamship Era: The African Modern in the World Voyage Narratives of Fulunge Mpofu and George Magodini, 1916-1924”, in K. Reid and F. Paisley (eds.), Critical Perspectives on Colonialism: Writing the Empire from Below (London, Routledge, 2014), 123-140.

J. Hyslop, “’Segregation has fallen on evil days’: Smuts’ South Africa, Global War and Transnational Politics, 1939-1946”,  Journal of Global History,  7:3, 2012,  438-460.

J.Hyslop, “The Invention of the Concentration Camp: Cuba, Southern Africa and the Philippines 1896-1907”, South African Historical Journal, 63:2, 2011, 251-276.

J. Hyslop, “An ‘Eventful’ History of Hind Swaraj: Gandhi Between the Battle of Tsushima and the Union of South Africa”, Public Culture, 23:2, 2011, 299-319.

J. Hyslop, “Gandhi: The Transnational Making of a Public Figure”, In J. Brown and A. Parel eds. The Cambridge Companion to Gandhi (Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2011).

J.Hyslop, “Scottish Labour, Race and Southern African Empire c.1880-1922: A Reply to Kenefick”, International Review of Social History, 55:1, 2010, 53-84.

J. Hyslop, “Martial Law and Military Power in the Construction of the South African State: Jan Smuts and the ‘Solid Guarantee of Force’ 1899-1924”, Journal of Historical Sociology, 22: 2, 2009, 235-268.

J. Hyslop, “Steamship Empire: African, Asian and British Sailors in the Merchant Marine c.1880-1940”, Journal of Asian and African Studies, 44:1, February 2009, 49-68.

J. Hyslop, “Guns, Drugs and Revolutionary Propaganda: Indian sailors and Smuggling in the 1920s”, South African Historical Journal 61:4, 2009, 838-846.

J. Hyslop, “Gandhi, Mandela and the African Modern” in A. Mbembe and S. Nuttall (eds.), Johannesburg – The Elusive Metropolis (Durham N.C., Duke University Press, 2008).

J. Hyslop, “The World Voyage of James Keir Hardie: Indian Nationalism, Zulu Insurgency and the British Labour Diaspora 1907-1908”, Journal of Global History, 1, 2006, 343-362.

J. Hyslop, “Making Scotland in South Africa: Charles Murray, the Transvaal’s Aberdeenshire Poet” in D. Lambert and A. Lester (eds.), Imperial Careers Across the British Empire (Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2006).

J. Hyslop, “Colonial Intellectuals at the End of Empire: Manning Clark’s Australia and Guy Butler’s South Africa”, Kleio, 38:1, 2006, 25-39

J. Hyslop, “An Anglophone Intellectual, the Second World War and the Coming of Apartheid: Guy Butler in the 1940s”, in S. Dubow and A. Jeeves (eds.), South Africa’s 1940sWorlds of Possibilities (Johannesburg, Double Storey, 2005)

J. Hyslop, “Political Corruption: Before and After Apartheid”, Journal of Southern African Studies, 31:4, 2005, 773-789.

J. Hyslop, “Shopping During A Revolution: Entrepreneurs, Retailers and ‘White’ Identity During the Democratic Transition”, Historia, 50,1, 2005, 173-190.

J. Hyslop, “The White Poor at the End of Apartheid”, Itinerario, 27: 3/4, 2003, 226-242.

J. Hyslop, “A Scottish Socialist Reads Carlyle in Johannesburg Prison, June 1900: Reflections on the Literary Culture of the Imperial Working Class”, Journal of Southern African Studies, 29:3, 2003, . 639-655.

J. Hyslop, “Cape Town Highlanders, Transvaal Scottish: Military ‘Scottishness’ and Social Power in Nineteenth and Twentieth Century South Africa”, South African Historical Journal, 47, 2002, 96-114.

J. Hyslop, “A Ragged Trousered Philanthropist and the Empire: Robert Tressell in South Africa”, History Workshop Journal, 51, 2001, 64-86.

J. Hyslop, “Why did Apartheid’s Supporters Capitulate? ‘Whiteness’, Class and Consumption in Urban South Africa 1985-1995", Society in Transition, 31,1, 2000, 36-44.

J. Hyslop, “The Imperial Working Class Makes Itself ‘White’: White Labourism in Britain, Australia and South Africa Before the First World War”, Journal of Historical Sociology, 12, 4, 1999, 398-421.