
Hélène Julien

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Hélène Julien

Professor of French and Women's, Gender, and Sexuality Studies; Chair, Department of Romance Languages & Literatures

How do we come to be who we are? How do we tell our own stories? What can we learn from each other? What does it mean to be a human community?

These questions inform both my pedagogy and my scholarly trajectory. Whether we are analyzing the meaning of a text or considering fine nuances of French grammar, I aim to make the classroom a space of individual and collective exploration, critical reflection, and dialogue. The study of literature to which my research is devoted is but another form of this interpersonal engagement. With a specific focus on contemporary French literature and literature from North Africa and its diaspora, I study the ways in which personal and collective selves find their voices in relation to history, memory, gender, race, sexuality, and culture.

  • PhD: Princeton University (French Literature) 
  • "DEA": Université de Paris IV-Sorbonne (Comparative Literature)
  • "Maîtrise":  Université de Paris IV-Sorbonne (Classics, Art History)
  • École Normale Supérieure (Classics)

20th and 21st century French and francophone literatures and cultures; francophone literatures from the Maghreb and its diaspora; self-writing and first-person narratives; women's and gender studies.

Arizona State University; Princeton University

Fall 2023 Courses
  • FREN 354, Introduction to Literature in French IV: The Francophone World (TR, 9:55-11:10)
  • FREN 445, Writing the Self in the Twentieth-century: Autobiography in French (TR, 1:20-2:35)
Past Courses
  • FSEM 171, Discovering African Literature (also counts for African Studies and WMST)
  • FREN 202, Intermediate French (counts for GE as of Spring '19)
  • FREN 222, Francophone Literature from Africa (also counts for African Studies, WMST)
  • FREN 353, Literary Innovations in the 20th and 21st Centuries (also counts for WMST)
  • FREN 354, The Francophone World (also counts for African Studies and GE)
  • FREN 361, Advanced Composition, Grammar, and Conversation
  • FREN 445, 20th-century French Autobiography (also counts for WMST and LGBTQ Studies)
  • FREN 450, 20th-century French Literature (also counts for WMST and LGBTQ Studies)
  • FREN 453, Contemporary Literature in French (also counts for African Studies, MIST, WMST Studies, and GE)
  • FREN 455, Voices from North Africa (also counts for African Studies, MIST, WMST Studies, and GE)
  • FREN 482, From Plague to Covid: Epidemics in Contemporary Literature in French


  • Le Roman de Karin et Paul: le Journal de Catherine Pozzi et les Cahiers de Paul Valéry, (L’Harmattan, Paris, 2000)


  • “Nina Bouraoui, Maïssa Bey, Fatima Daas : l’écriture qui comble.” (Women in French Studies, 2023)
  • “La voix est la voie : quête de soi et récit labyrinthique dans Cette Fille-là et Surtout ne te retourne pas.” In Maïssa Bey: Two Decades of Creativity (1996-2016), ed. by Houda Hamdi. (L’Harmattan, 2019)
  • “’L’odeur est là’ : odeurs et olfaction dans Surtout ne te retourne pas de Maïssa Bey” (French Review, 2018)
  • “L’art de la fugue : identité, espace et narration dans é de Leïla Sebbar et Cette Fille-là de Maïssa Bey” (French Review, 2016)
  •  “’Au sang ! Ô sang !’ : corps féminin et écriture dans La Voyeuse interdite” (Nouvelles Études Francophones, 2015)
  • “(Se) peindre, (s’)écrire : le Journal de Marie Bashkirtseff” (Excavatio, 2002)
  • Edition and preface of “Retour à la Méditerrannée,” special issue of the Bulletin des Études Valéryennes (2002)
  • “Christiane Rochefort : une vie de femme, revue et corrigée” (Dalhousie French Studies, 2002)
  • “Catherine Pozzi : lecture du journal, écriture de la fiction” (Bulletin des Etudes Valéryennes, 2001)
  • “Voyage, référentialité et la question des origines dans ’Iǰٱ et La Modification” (French Literature Series, 1999)
  • “Catherine Pozzi” (The Feminist Encyclopedia of French Literature, 1999)
  • “Catherine Pozzi : parcours de l'initiation, parcours poétique” (Romanic Review, 1998)
  • “L’Orphée meurtrier des Cahiers” (Bulletin des Études Valéryennes, 1997)
  • “Les Cahiers de Valéry 1920-1928 : problèmes de genre et de statut.” (Rocky Mountain Review, 1996)