
Before beginning the application below, learn more about the summer funding available from Career Services.

Application Process

Thank you for your interest in applying for Summer Funding. It is highly recommended that you work on your application offline, save a copy, and then transfer your responses to the online form.

Download application questions here.

  1. Have your resume/CV reviewed and certified. 
    Resumes/CVs must be reviewed and certified by Career Services during the current academic year and before the application deadline to be considered for Summer Funding. Appointments fill quickly — start early to ensure your document is ready to go at the deadline.
  2. Begin considering your summer plans. 
    (Training programs, Courses, and Credentials): students applying for grant funding for a training program, course, or credentialing opportunity should be prepared to specifically identify the type of programs they plan to apply to and how participation will specifically benefit them in their career planning. Students will have until May 1 to finalize training opportunities. (Experiential learning): students pursuing an applied learning experience such as an internship, research position, or long-term volunteer role do not need a confirmed summer experience to apply for funding. You should be able to articulate the types of opportunities you are pursuing in your application and the potential learning outcomes or benefits of these experiences on your career exploration. Consult with one of our career advisers for assistance in considering your options. Students will have until June 1 to finalize experiential learning opportunities.  
  3. Review the short answer questions of your application and begin crafting your responses.
    Each application question provides the committee insight into your thought process. Take the opportunity to fully answer each question with a thoughtful response. 
  4. Get help on your application materials. 
    Our advisers are on hand to assist you in brainstorming your response. To make an appointment, stop by Benton Hall, use our , or call 315-228-7380. 

The application period for 2024 summer funding has ended.

Application Review

Career Services will compile all paperwork, remove student names and ID numbers, and distribute to members of the selection committee. 

The Summer Funding Selection Committee is comprised of faculty, staff, and alumni. The committee members will review applications against a rubric that will be shared with students during summer funding strategy sessions. Every application will be reviewed by three separate readers. Scores will be aggregated and candidates ranked accordingly. Funding will be disbursed to the highest-ranked eligible candidates and is not available to all applicants. Financial aid status will be considered in decisions. 
The Committee will evaluate applications on the following criteria: 

  • Intentionality: The applicant shows evidence of thought around what they are searching for and how criteria for the summer experience have been determined.
  • Clarity of learning objectives: The applicant clearly defines and articulates potential takeaways from the proposed summer experience(s).
  • Relevance of experience: If the applicant proposes an experience that is exploratory in nature, the applicant provides evidence to explain why proposed experience(s) allow exploration and reflection on these areas of interest. Alternatively, if the applicant is searching for an experience that is purposeful with regard to identified career goals, the applicant provides evidence for how proposed experiences are relevant to the student's future goals.
  • Compelling articulation of why: The applicant provides a compelling rationale as to why these types of experiences would be critical to explore or pursue an identified career interest.
  • Familiarization and maturity: The applicant demonstrates evidence of research and understanding of industry-based, organizational, geographic, and/or cultural dynamics of the proposed experience.