ࡱ> 352y  bjbj 0{{ BBBBBVVV8 V<t$b"|BBBKKKdBBKKKV@[萚^  0<T"K"["B[LKK<" : Guidelines for Using Psychology 150 Research Participant Pool The following guidelines should be followed when recruiting and interacting with research participants. They are based on two over-arching principles: respect for participants, and collegiality among researchers. You may not recruit participants until you have formal, final IRB approval. Sign-up sheets must include the following information: Title. Researcher name and contact information. Supervising faculty member, if researcher is a student. Amount of credit or other inducement offered for participation. Estimated duration of experiment, rounded up in 30-minute increments. Location where participants should meet experimenter. A brief but accurate description of what the participants will do during the experiment. Potential risks and discomforts should be disclosed if possible. Never schedule sessions during Psychology 150 meeting times. This is typically M/W/TH/F from 11:20 12:10. Keep your sign-up sheet posted until after all sessions (for the particular sheet) have been completed. Participants often count on those sign-up sheets as reminders of when and where to meet. Do not keep participants longer than promised. Researchers should not compete for participants. This means you may not offer additional inducements for participation (e.g., 1 credit hour PLUS pizza!, 2 credit hours for 1 hour of time!), and you should not use excessively large signup sheets, colored paper, fancy graphics, etc. Exception: it is acceptable to use additional compensation if it is necessary as a manipulation within the experiment. It is not ordinarily acceptable to offer additional compensation as incentive to participate. If your experiment takes less than the full 30 or 60 minutes of research credit, they may leave early. However, you should never advertise that your experiment will take less than the full time-allotment. E-mail your participants the day before their scheduled appointment, to remind them of the title of your study; time, place, and duration of the study; and your name and contact info. Be sure to include your contact information in case they need to cancel. Never, ever, miss your appointments. In the event of an emergency, you should make every effort to contact participants in advance. Keep track of your participant names (if possible) in case there are questions about whether they completed your experiment. If a participant fails to show up for a first scheduled session and does not contact you prior, you should contact the student and tell him or her this: I will allow you to reschedule your appointment. However, if you fail to show up for the second appointment, you will forfeit your opportunity to obtain this research credit hour through participation in this study. Instead, you will need to make up this hour by completing one of the six research papers, focused on the topic of this experiment. If the participant does not show up a second time, send the following information to the Chair of the Psychology Department, who will get in contact with the participant: student researcher; faculty advisor; name of study given to participants; general topic of the study; and time, date, and place of the study. Be sure to formally request lab space if you need it, at: http://psych.colgate.edu/psyos/RoomRequest.php. It is best to carry out your research pursuits steadily across the semester. Good research pursuits should never be rushed, and when they are done in this way, they are just that much more enjoyable!     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